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Toni Kannisto

Dr. Phil. Studium der Philosophie in Tampere und Helsinki. 2012 Promotion an der University of Oslo mit der Arbeit From Thinking to Being - Kant's Modal Critique of Metaphysics. Visiting Research Fellow an der Humbolt Universität in Berlin bei Tobias Rosefeldt. Toni Kannisto ist seit 2013 Post-doctoral Researcher an der Universität in Oslo. Er hat vor allem Aufsätze und Beiträge zu Kants Philosophie der Modalitäten verfasst. Mit Camilla Sherk-Hannsen arbeitet er im Moment an einem Buch über die Paralogismen der reinen Vernunft.

Why There Can Be No Future Achilles - The Inherent Flaw in the Paralogistic Inferences


Camilla Serck-Hanssen has used the concept of infinite judgment to expose a logical gap in the 2nd Paralogism. I will explicate further why no future revision of this “Achilles” of rational psychology can succeed, for there is an inherent flaw in the procedure of rational psychology. By formalising the General Form of the paralogisms I pinpoint the logical gap and show that for rational psychology to succeed, the possible existence of soul must be demonstrated. Kant formulates this problem in modal terms: while the paralogistic inferences do establish necessary logical (analytic) truths about the idea of soul, they fail to provide necessary metaphysical (synthetic) truths about its object, the soul itself. For Kant, the latter requires application of the modal categories (possible, actual, and necessary existence), and the soul does not fulfill the criteria of possible existence. Ultimately the failure of rational psychology is that it cannot resolve the following dilemma: (1) If one starts with the rational idea of soul, one can prove apodictic analytic truths about it but cannot show that it refers to any possibly existing object; yet (2) if one starts with the empirically established existence of oneself, one cannot show that any of the predicates coveted by rational psychology pertain to it.


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